Monday, June 20, 2011


Today was a slow day for the most part. I woke up, read a chapter in 1 Corinthians, went for a run, and sat around a bit. I watched an episode of Scrubs. And Skyped with a few friends.

Around 3 I went out and bought some art pencils. I'm pretty satisfied with that purchase. I drew a bit of a self-portrait earlier. A few people approved, but like always, I'm my own worst critic.

I watched some more TV via Netflix (possibly the most convenient thing available these days) and decided it was time to eat dinner. Since I'd had a slow day, I'd had it in my mind to watch the sunset this evening. I got some Carl's Jr. and headed wherever my car would take me. After all, being new to Roseville, I don't know the good sunset spots.

I found one after a considerably small amount of driving. My sanctuary stood firmly at the top of the Westfield Mall parking structure. Level 5. I stood and caught the sun just as it covered itself with the blanket of the horizon.

The next 20 to 30 minutes were amazing. It was like a conversation between God and I. The longer I stood there, the more beautiful the sunset became. God was passionately telling me of His Love, and I was all ears.

Though I've noticed plenty of beauty here before, tonight taught me a lot about Roseville. For the first time since I got here, I stood and let God render me speechless. Minute after minute the sunset became more and more breathtaking. And I kept thinking it would be over the minute after. But it didn't end quickly. It just got prettier and prettier until I could barely turn my eyes away.

The awesome thing about sunsets is that each one brings me a different Word. Each one is like a sermon tailored specifically to my needs. When I need peace, He speaks of Peace. When I need love, He speaks of Love.

Lately I've needed something I can't put my finger on, and tonight He spoke of it. Not to say I know exactly what I need yet, but tonight God let me know that things will turn out alright. And not just alright; they'll turn out more beautiful than I'll ever imagine them to be. I just need to do my thing, whilst never forgetting to watch the Beautiful work He is doing all around me.

When the mall closed, I drove down the structure slowly. I watched as the sunset disappeared faster and faster as I descended. I turned my iPod to an old Switchfoot song that got in my head. I went over to the Fountains to try to read, but there were gnats or something that kept landing on me. So I didn't stay long. However momentary my stay, I paid a lot of attention to the soft summer air. Despite the bugs that kept landing on me, I couldn't help but notice the beauty of the night.

It's nights like these that I find the most purpose and Hope. I can't help but feel more alive with every breath. And I can't stop thinking about looking into the vastness of the sunset, and feeling God stir my heart.

God moved in my heart tonight. He gave me a taste of truly Abundant Life, and now I want to chase it and Him even more. Roseville, I'll do my best to help you see and hear what I do.

Tonight I'll sleep well, knowing that life is God's poetry, and every moment is more profound and lovely than the last.

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